Noor Rice

Parboiled Rice

Al Noor Rice Mills produces finest quality of parboiled rice. Par boiling and husking is the most common and important process in rice processing. From our storage units, the paddy is cleaned .Here dust is removed from the paddy .Then paddy is sent to other machines that grade the width. This is done to remove immature paddy .These machines are automatic and fine-tuned for fine paddy output. The mature paddy is then PRE STEAMED. The PRE STEAMED paddy is the kept steam wet for about 12 – 14 hours in our chambers. These chambers are basically boilers. We are the only rice mill in Pakistan having the Imported PAR-BOILING PLANT. This is latest and most efficient plant in rice industry. Here rice is passed through chambers of steam. After this process the rice is called SAILA means par boiled.
Once rice is par boiled it is passed through our special dryers. These dryers are efficient enough as they reduce moisture in the paddy to 8% and even below that level. The par boiled rice is then kept for a few hours in bags and passed through different machines. This process includes PADDY CLEANING for fine quality paddy. PADDY HUSKING for HUSK separation and other unwanted material from the paddy. Parboiled rice has a yellow color and is favored by consumers and chefs who desire an extra fluffy and separate cooked rice
