Noor Rice

Welcome Al Noor Group of Industries

Al Noor Group of Industries Years of rice processing experience, we guarantee high-quality rice at a competitive price. We use the latest equipment to clean, de-stone, and polish rice. We created a product and relationship unlike any other using our 25 years of rice industry knowledge. Taking care of each stage of rice production and processing from the field to the mill allows us to oversee all quality aspects and ensure a consistent and pleasing product. Al Noor Rice Mills and its creator Ch. Hashmat Ali made rice crucial to the region, which we produce and export. The first factory was created in 1998, but after several additions, it is now fully equipped and provides high-quality rice for local and international markets. The CEO of Al-Noor Rice Mills founded Al-Noor International in 2022. The latest manufacturing unit in the world. Al-Noor International’s goal is to create the best rice or international consumption. Al-Noor uses Stake Internationals. Al Noor Rice Mill’s founder Mr. Hashmat Ali decided in 2022 to put a policy in place that would improve the grade of the rice produced. Consequently, they founded Shazam Seed Private Limited, a seed company. Shazam Seed Pvt. Ltd.’s main goal is to supply the best quality wheat, rice, Cotton and maize seeds available.